客观题试卷卷本可作草稿纸使用,不再另发草稿纸;主观题草稿纸同一配发,考后收回 说起考试成绩经管,《通知》要求注册安全工程师执业资格考试成绩实施转动治理 A.按照特定的指令串识别病毒法式并禁止其运行 B.根据特定的标记识别病毒程序并阻挠其运行 C.根据特定的行动识别病毒程序并阻止其运行 D.根据特定的程序构造识别病毒程序并阻止其运行 试题解析与讨论: 试题参考答案:C 试题9:The objective of( )is to determine what parts of the application software will be assigned to what hardware. The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will operate. All software systems can be divided into four basic functions. The first is( ).Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved, whether a small file,such as a memo produced by a word processor, or a large database, such as one that stores an organization’s accounting records.The second function is the( ),the processing required to access data, which often means database queries in Structured Query Language. The third function is the ( ),which is the logic documented in the DFDs, use cases,and functional requirements.The fourth function is the presentation logic,the display of information to the user and the acceptance of the user’s commands.The three primary hardware components of a system are ( ). 1.A.architecture design B.modular design C.physical design D.distribution design 2.A.data access components B.database management system C.data storage D.data entities 3.A.data persistence B.data access objects C.database connection D.data access logic 4.A.system requirements B.system architecture C.application logic D.application program 5.A.computers,cables and network B.clients,servers,and network C.CPUs,memories and I/O devices D.CPUs,hard disks and I/O devices 试题解析与讨论: 试题参考答案:A、C、D、C、B 试题10: 在关系 R(A1,A2,A3)和 S(A2,A3,A4)上进行关系运算的 4 个等价的表达式 E1、E2、E3和 E4 以下所示: 若是严格按照表达式运算按次履行,则查询效力最高的是表达式( )...


A.按照特定的指令串识别病毒法式并禁止其运行 B.根据特定的标记识别病毒程序并阻挠其运行 C.根据特定的行动识别病毒程序并阻止其运行 D.根据特定的程序构造识别病毒程序并阻止其运行 试题解析与讨论: 试题参考答案:C 试题9:The objective of( )is to determine what parts of the application software will be assigned to what hardware. The major software components of the system being developed have to be identified and then allocated to the various hardware components on which the system will operate. All software systems can be divided into four basic functions. The first is( ).Most information systems require data to be stored and retrieved, whether a small file,such as a memo produced by a word processor, or a large database, such as one that stores an organization’s accounting records.The second function is the( ),the processing required to access data, which often means database queries in Structured Query Language. The third function is the ( ),which is the logic documented in the DFDs, use cases,and functional requirements.The fourth function is the presentation logic,the display of information to the user and the acceptance of the user’s commands.The three primary hardware components of a system are ( ). 1.A.architecture design B.modular design C.physical design D.distribution design 2.A.data access components B.database management system C.data storage D.data entities 3.A.data persistence B.data access objects C.database connection D.data access logic 4.A.system requirements B.system architecture C.application logic D.application program 5.A.computers,cables and network B.clients,servers,and network C.CPUs,memories and I/O devices D.CPUs,hard disks and I/O devices 试题解析与讨论: 试题参考答案:A、C、D、C、B 试题10: 在关系 R(A1,A2,A3)和 S(A2,A3,A4)上进行关系运算的 4 个等价的表达式 E1、E2、E3和 E4 以下所示: 若是严格按照表达式运算按次履行,则查询效力最高的是表达式( )... 给力密训提示在考前还可以做一些摹拟题或之前的考卷,检测一下自己总的把握环境...

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海南 审核材料: 考生须于8月7日至9月3日工作日期间将考试报名表(经考生所在单位或部门审核,签订同意报考定见并盖单位或部门公章),学历证书、学位证书及专业技术资格证书(原件和复印件各一份),从事相关业务工作的年限资历证明(须单位或部门负责人签名并加盖单位或部门公章)等有关材料送至省安全生产监视治理局设在省政务中心的服务窗口进行报考资格审查和报名确认(地址:海口市国兴大道9号省政务服务中心一楼33、34号窗口,德律风:65203070)... 考试时间及科目 11月16日9:00—11:30?安全生产法令律例 ?14:00—16:30?安全临盆办理 11月17日9:00—11:30?安全生产手艺根本 ?14:00—16:30?安全生产专业实务(7个专业) 重视事项 中级注册安全工程师职业资格考试设“安全生产功令法规”(客不雅题)、“安全生产经管”(客观题)、“安全生产技术根蒂根基”(客观题)、“安全生产专业实务”(主客观题)4个科目...